Soli-Kochkurs mit Gerado Tristan im Plaque

Dienstag, 28. August 2018, 17 Uhr

Industriestrasse 101
04229 Leipzig

Cooking Clas with Gerardo Tristan (register in advance!)

Learn the basics on how to make the most popular indigenous corn foods such as Tortillas, Gorditas, Sopes, Tacos and Empanadas. Also, Gerardo will be sharing personal stories and refelctions on the importance of corn in empowering food/ animal rights activist in Mexico. This is a one hour class, after it we will taste the things we have made. There will be a booklet with Mexican Vegan indigenous recipes available for purchase of 5 Euro. Just as the cooking class itself, this is also a fundraising for Faunaccion´s (Animal Rights) projects in Mexico and to cover Gerardo´s travel expenses. Up to 10 people can join.

Register in advance to: leipzig (ätt) (deadline 26.08.2018).

Cooking class fee 10€.
(If you can´t afford this please talk to us and we will make it work.)

Der Kochkurs ist in Englisch. (Wir bieten Übersetzung an.)

(After the cooking class at 7 pm Gerardo will talk about his experiences as a native american, queer, immigrant and antispeciestist within the US Animal Rights Movement. // Im Anschluss wird Gerardo um 19 Uhr einen Vortrag über seine Erfahrungen als queerer Immigrant in der US-Amerikanischen Tierrechtsbewegung halten.)